Friday, February 5, 2010

Terrorist Adem Yilmaz: He has been

Dusseldorf - The Islamist Sauerland group of alleged terrorists wanted nachAngaben Adem Yilmaz, a car bomb set fire amFlughafen from Dusseldorf or Dortmund.
But nichtgewesen objective was to kill people, but to paralyze the air traffic, Yilmaz said on Tuesday the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court.
Alszweiter of the four accused he made a full confession.
"Innocent people should not come to harm. SogarMuslime It could have been taken. We did not want" sagteYilmaz. At the airport is therefore a relatively kleineExplosion been planned.
Yilmaz was determined to remain zumHeiligen war: "The Märtyertod is my goal, because hatsich nothing has changed."
The also confessed leader of the Sauerland group, FritzGelowicz, had previously ruled that was involved in the geplantenTerroranschlägen a secret.
Have been Erbekräftigte, derAnschlagsvorbereitungen together with Yilmaz, the driving force in Germany.
The beidenanderen co-defendants, Daniel Schneider and Atilla Selek, hätteneine minor role played.