Thursday, February 18, 2010

Doctors slow Ümit

Cologne / Hanover - Ümit Özat looked thoughtfully out of the ICE, which he brought back from Hanover to Cologne. In the specialty clinic in Lower Saxony, he had to again undergo medical tests. In a sobering conclusion: The doctors slowing Ümit!
Michael Meier: "Ümit is back in Cologne. But he will definitely not be able to intervene before February. "Which means: The hopes that would be the" great captain "for the preparation in the winter can report, are gone. Back for the Turks, who were so happy to intervene again.
Instead, Ümit, who had collapsed on the third match in Karlsruhe> and later diagnosed with a heart muscle inflammation was need to continue to exercise alone. The 32-year-old keeps contact with the team, attended the training last week and talked with colleagues - but his return is more than ever in the stars. "In his situation has not changed. It is an absolute protection on the program, "says Meier.
The good news: Ümit not plugged in! And the club continue to believe in a comeback.
Meier: "I hope that our players Ümit will see again in the FC jersey. This hope he has also remained. Although the results were not as positive as one might have wished, perhaps. "Now, breathe erstmal announced. Meier: "Ümit will fly home for Christmas with his parents in Turkey."
Cologne coach Christoph Daum and Ümit friend: "Football is hintenan erstmal. I wish him and his family only one, that he is back to 100 percent healthy. Ümit Man is above all, not the footballer. I say this because I worked with him for five years, was allowed to meet his family and they've brought to Cologne. "
More about Peter: After training: an emotional visit to Ümit> Overath: Physically, Ümit healthy> Ümit recovery goes according to plan> death fear for Ümit>