Saturday, June 5, 2010

Plateau shoe as an accident-polluter

Niederkassel - He is sexy, has a sharp heel - and is to blame for a spectacular crash: the common platform shoe. Its bearer, an 30-year-old from Bonn, namely that slipped from the brake on the accelerator. And your Daihatsu laid a cinematic stunt.
At an intersection in Niederkassel the woman slammed first into a Renault. The plateau-shod foot on the accelerator, they still headed for a narrow site entrance. With the closed wooden door made short work of Daihatsu, crashed through - and stayed in the driveway on the driver's side lie. A stuntman had not well done it better.
The slightly injured Bonnerin could even climb out of the car. To the police they stated that the sun had blinded her and she was slipped under braking. Total damage was in the amount of 6500 €.
Where is the question of whether it was with this shoe at all behind the wheel. "There is no general prohibition, flip flops, platform shoes or high heels to wear while driving," said police spokeswoman Dalia Hegerfeldt.
However, § 23 of the Highway Code states: A driver must always keep his vehicle. The benefits of car insurance are not dependent on the shoes! The motor insurance caused the accident pays the claims of the victim forever.
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